SUITCEYES on ATAAC Conference in Zagreb
On 17-19th of October 2018 Harpo partner participated in Assistive Technology and Communication. Conference on the Advanced Technology for People with disabilities in Zagreb, Croatia. The ATAAC conference brings leading world experts and users of assistive technology (AT) and augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) to Zagreb to present their knowledge and share their experience.
The ATAAC conference hosted poster presentations of organisations using assistive technology (AT) in their work and/or working in the field of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). The conference was an excellent opportunity to present SUITCEYES during the poster session and to connect with others in developing AAC methods. We presented our hitherto work and further project’ aims!
Moreover, we disseminated a lot of promotional materials of SUITCEYES. Our stand enjoyed the interest of visitors. We hope that 3-day poster presentation of SUITCEYES held on the conference will result in many contacts and further cooperation between different organisations related to deafblindness.