Date: August 22, 2019
Time: 09:00-17.00 (tentative)
Venue: Vestindien C, Textile Fashion Centre, University of Borås, Borås, Sweden
How would you listen to the news, ask a shopkeeper about a product, know that your train has been cancelled, or find the keys that you have just dropped … if you could neither see nor hear?
We would like to warmly welcome you to this insightful symposium! For more information, click here.
- Researchers (disability studies, smart textiles, haptics, sensor technologies, linguistics, machine learning, user studies),
- Decision makers (inclusion accessibility),
- Stakeholders (people with deafblindness, families, interpreters, interveners, national support organisations, other interest groups)
Registration, including lunch, is free of charge. Please fill in the Registration Form at the following link: Registration form by June 27th.
SUITCEYES brings together cutting-edge research from multiple disciplines with the aim to improve the independence and participation of people with deafblindness by enhancing their communication, perception of the environment, knowledge acquisition and conduct of daily routines. Semantic representations of environmental clues and haptic communication are therefore, central to the project. In connection to this, the Symposium “Breaking the Barriers of Haptic Communication” (August 22) provides a forum for an interesting conversation on how signs, words, vocabularies and grammar can be emulated towards a haptic language. We will also share the latest news and research results from the project.
You are warmly invited to join us and engage with Swedish and international experts in related fields. Please help us with logistic decisions by indicating your interest to attend (not binding) already here.
The program and more information will be released soon.
Please, help us spread information concerning the symposium to your network of contacts.
Accommodation in Borås
It is advisable to book accommodation, if needed, well in advance (due to other events happening in Borås at the same time).
For an indicative list of hotels in Borås, please click here.
If any questions, please feel free to contact
Nasrine Olson, Project Coordinator, email:
Thomas Bebis, Project Manager, email: