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Logo of CFD, Denmark


CFDis the largest provider in Denmark of services for deaf, deafblind and hearing impaired people. The history of CFD goes back to 1869. Today, CFD has about 600 employees.



Logo of Cresam

CRESAM Centre National de Ressources Handicaps Rares – Surdicécité (

CRESAM is a national center for deablindness whose missions are: support people with double sensory impairment, training for professionals who support deafblind people, documentation, research and innovation .



Logo of BIBB

BIBB – Federal Institute For Vocational Education and Training (

The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) is recognized as a center of excellence for vocational research and for the progressive development of vocational education and training (VET) in Germany. In the SUTICEYES project, the BIBB is preparing a National Report on Disability Law and Policy in Germany.


Logo of DTBLV, Taubblinden-Info, Germany

Taubblinden-Info (

Network for people with Deafblindness / hearing impairment. The goals of DTBLV are

  • personal exchange with deaf-blind and hearing-impaired people
  • Forwarding information and news to the deafblind and hearing-impaired
  • Lectures and seminars to introduce the association in the individual federal states
  • Contact with political representatives
  • Cooperation with counseling centers
  • Building a community to work together in it
  • Once a year a DTBLV general meeting to exchange views and seek solutions together for a better everyday life of the deafblind and hearing-impaired people

Contact: Sven Fiedler, President

Logo of Taubblindendienst der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (EKD) e.V., Germany

Taubblindendienst der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (EKD) e.V.
Fachverband der Diakonie Deutschland für Taubblinde und mehrfachbehinderte Blinde ( offers outpatient assisted living for deaf-blind people with day-structuring measures including an advice centre. Here you can also experience the botanical garden for the blind, or socialize at the “Storchennest”.



Logo of Hellenic Federation of the Deaf, Greece

Hellenic Federation of the Deaf (

The Hellenic Federation of the Deaf was established in 1968 and is made up of 18 member associations across Greece. It represents the deaf community both nationally and on a European level and promotes equal rights.

Contact: Mr Constantinos Simpsis, President of the Administrative Board

Logo of Hellenic Association of Deafblind “The Heliotrope”, Greece

Hellenic Association of Deafblind “The Heliotrope” (Website TBA)

The Hellenic Association of Deafblind “The Heliotrope” is a non-profit society, founded in 1992 by parents and friends of people with deafblindess, aiming at creating an infrastructure for the social inclusion of people with deafblindness. The association has developed a range of activities, such as research for people with deafblindness, raising public awareness, training of experts, participation of children in camps, etc. It is financially supported by members’ contributions and donations and cooperates with domestic and foreign organizations.

Contact: Mrs Diamanto Matsa, President


Logo of Royal Dutch Kentalis

Royal Dutch Kentalis (

Royal Dutch Kentalis is a national knowledge organization in the Netherlands, specialized in providing diagnostic, care and education to persons who are deaf, hard-of-hearing or deafblind, and to those who have a language impairment.

Bartimeus Logo

Bartimeus (

A Dutch organization for all persons with visual impairments and blindness



Logo of Förbundet Sveriges Dövblinda, Sweden

Förbundet Sveriges Dövblinda (

The Association of the Deafblind of Sweden works for full participation, equality, independence and self-determination for people with deafblindness.


Logo of Mogård

Mo Gård (

Mo Gård is a foundation-owned non-profit organization with over 70 years of experience, offering services within support, treatment, education and knowledge support. Our areas of strength are communication and disability.


Logo of Nationellt kunskapscenter för dövblindfrågor

Nationellt kunskapscenter för dövblindfrågor (

The Swedish National knowledge center for deafblind issues.


Logo of Nordens welfare center, Sweden

Nordic Welfare (

The Nordic Welfare Centre is an institution in the Nordic Council of Ministers’ social and health sector. Our mission is to further develop and strengthen the Nordic welfare model. By compiling and disseminating knowledge on welfare issues, we offer strengthened tools for policy-making, as well as tools for improving health and well-being of all citizens.


Finland & UK

Russ Palmer & Riitta Lahtinen (

Russ Palmer is an International Music Therapist and Vibroacoustic Therapy Practitioner with Usher Syndrome. Riitta Lahtinen published her PhD of ”haptices and haptemes” (social-haptic communication) in 2008. She is a senior researcher of social-haptic communication research group at the University of Helsinki, Finland, where Russ is an advisory member. Mrs Lahtinen and Mr Palmer are the founders who have developed, taught and used social-haptic communication, haptices (touch messages) for the past 25 years in everyday life.

Contact: Russ Palmer, Riitta Lahtinen