SUITCEYES is among the 24 innovations from 200 submissions that has made it to the short list of the Innovation Radar Prize 2021. The next step towards winning the Innovation Radar Prize will be to participate in a public voting. This voting takes place on the website, where all 24 selected innovations will be introduced to the public. !!! Click Continue Reading SUITCEYES shortlisted for the Innovation Radar Prize
The new film “Suitceyes Documentary” by four students from Offenburg University provides a sensitive insight into the everyday life of persons linging with deafblindness. It shows how intelligent wearables developed in the EU-project SUITCEYES can significantly improve their lives. New ways of inclusion No vision and a long silence – this is how the 26-minutes documentary introduces the viewer to the situation of persons with deafblindness. The creators, four students…
Leave a CommentDuring the 19th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia MUM 2020, SUITCEYES presented the Tactile Board, a multimodal communication device that uses haptic communication to support individuals with deafblindness in social interactions. A Multimodal AAC Device for Individuals with Deafblindness The concept for the Tactile Board emerged from co-creation sessions with members of the Deafblind community and aimed…
Leave a CommentThis week, our project member Offenburg University participated in the 22nd International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS 2020). ASSETS is the premier forum for presenting research on the design, evaluation, use, and education related to computing for people with disabilities. Due to the on-going covid-19 pandemic, ASSETS was moved to a virtual format for the first time. The virtual format, however, was able to provide better accessible…
Leave a CommentAt the 3rd International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies (IHIET 2020), SUITCEYES by Nils-Krister Persson presented a paper “Physical add-ons for haptic human-surrounding interaction and sensorial augmentation” by Eva Lindell, Arthur Thiel Cabreira, Li Guo, Nasrine Olson, Oliver Korn and Nils-Krister Persson. There we discuss an aspect central for complex haptic communication namely that there is a 2…
Leave a CommentFrom 9th to 13th March 2020, the project partner Harpo participated in the 35th CSUN Assistive Technology Conference in Anaheim, USA. The conference usually draws more than 4,500 persons annually who attend sessions, visit the exhibition halls, and participate in affiliate meetings and informal gatherings. Given the current situation related to the coronavirus pandemic, some exhibitors and participants withdrew from participation in this year’s conference. However, Harpo attended the…
Leave a CommentOn February 7th, the Swedish Minister for Culture and Democracy, Mrs Amanda Lind, visited the Swedish School of Textiles and the Textile Fashion Center. Nils-Krister Persson, the head of the “Smart Textiles Technology Lab” and work package leader in SUITCEYES had the pleasure to guide the Minister in the Smart Textile Showroom. Mr Persson demonstrated The “Black Dress” of SUITCEYES and described the project. SUITCEYES aims for inclusion in society by interactive…
Leave a CommentOn 5th – 6th December the 4th SUITCEYES consortium meeting took place at Offenburg University. The meeting kicked off with members providing updates on their respective work packages. However, the focal point of these two days were three separate participatory ideation and co-design workshops. One of the workshops held, was a co-creation session with Russ Palmer and Riitta Lahtinen. The goal of this session was to create gamified scenarios that…
Leave a CommentThis edition of the International Na Tak Conference ”Opieka, Terapia, Edukacja (translated to English: “Care, Therapy, Education”) was held on November 29, 2019 in Poznań, Poland. The main goal of the conference was pointed out by the introductory lecture of Prof. Danuta Kopeć from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Three main questions were asked: “Who? How? Why?”. Professor Kopeć tried to answer them and set the course of future…
Leave a CommentThe study on gamification, conducted in Germany, was documented in a local magazine of Paulinenpflege Winnenden e.V. If you are interested in further details, click here and see page 4.
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