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Project Boards

SUITCEYES comprises a number of boards, tasked with the oversight of different aspects of the project:

Project Management Team
Project Management Board
Project Advisory Board
Ethics Advisory Board
User Data Working Group
Analytical Data Working Group

Project Management Team (PMT)

Olson, Nasrine, (Project Coordinator)

Bebis, Thomas, (Project Manager)

Nolin, Jan, (WP1 Leader)

The Project Management Team is assisted further by the HB Grants and Innovation Office (GIO) and University administrators.

Project Management Board (PMB)

Olson, Nasrine, (Chair)

Nasrine Olson holds a PhD in Library and Information Science and is a senior lecturer/researcher at SSLIS at the University of Borås. Nasrine’s research interests lie in critical investigations of contemporary information technologies and their potential implications for societal issues. Nasrine has extensive experiences in project management and has led or participated in multiple national and international research projects. Currently, in addition to being the project coordinator for the SUITCEYES project, she also co-leads the research group Social Media Studies at SSLIS.

Bebis, Thomas, (Chair)

Dogar, Hassan,

Fuentes, Mauricio,

Mauricio Fuentes currently works as a project manager in Les Doigts Qui Rêvent (France). He has a Master degree in public health and in geography of health. He has experience in research projects concerning people with disability and participatory methodologies.

Henson, Brian,


Raymond Holt holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Leeds, where he has worked as a lecturer in Product Design since 2005. He is part of the Centre for Immersive Cognition and the Centre for Disability Studies, and his research interests centre upon the sense of touch, control of prehension and asssitive technologies that can provide support where these capabilities are impaired.


Astrid M.L. Kappers studied experimental physics at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. She received the PhD degree from Eindhoven University of Technology. From 1989 till 2012, she worked at Utrecht University. In September 2012, she moved with her whole group to the Department of Human Movement Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands. In 2018 she moved to Eindhoven University of Technology. She was promoted to full professor in 2005. Her research interests include haptic and visual perception.

Kompatsiaris, Ioannis,

Dr. Ioannis (Yiannis) Kompatsiaris is a Research Director at CERTH-ITI, the Head of Multimedia Knowledge and Social Media Analytics Laboratory and Deputy Director of the Institute. His research interests include image and video analysis, big data and social media analytics, semantics, human computer interfaces (AR and BCI), eHealth, security and culture applications. He is an elected member of the IEEE IVMSP – TC, a Senior Member of IEEE and member of ACM.


Dr. Oliver Korn is a full professor for Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and director of the Affective & Cognitive Institute (ACI) at Offenburg University in Germany. He also is a certified Project Manager (German Chamber of Commerce), Senior Member of ACM and Professional Member of the IEEE. His main areas of research are Context-aware & Smart Systems, Assistive Technologies & Robotics, Affective Computing, Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality, Gaming & Gamification.

Nolin, Jan,

Jan Nolin is a professor of library and information science at the Swedish School of Library and Information Science. His most recent research involves investigations of practices of reading by listening as well as transparency projects of openness: open software, open content and open data.

Persson, Nils-Krister,

Nils-Krister Persson Ass. Professor, Docent is head of Smart Textiles Technology Lab at University of Boras. Smart Textiles is a research and innovation milieu for advanced textiles with intense cooperation with industry and public sector. Nils-Krister runs his own research group focused on fiber technology, haptic technology and textile sensorics. A spin off from his research was the company Waterweave.

Petrantonakis, Panagiotis,

Plaisier, Myrthe,

Shaqura, Mohammed,

Starosta, Joanna,

Joanna Starosta graduated from Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland as PhD in chemical sciences (2014), from the University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz, Poland with Master of Sciences and Engineering degree in Chemical Technology (specialisation in Industrial Biotechnology) (2007) and completed post-graduate studies in the field of Quality Management at Torun School of Banking (2009). At Harpo she deals with R&D project management and coordination. She is experienced in implementation and managing many R&D projects from EU and national research programmes. She is also a projects’ expert in The National Centre for Research and Development in Warsaw, Poland.

Theil Cabreira, Arthur,

Urbanski, Jaroslaw,

Woodin, Sarah, (Adjunct)

Sarah Woodin has a PhD in Social Policy from the University of Leeds, where she is a Senior Research Fellow with the School of Mechanical Engineering and a visiting Fellow with the School of Sociology and Social Policy. Her research is in the field of Disability Studies, especially on independent living in its broadest sense, often in collaboration with disabled people’s organisations and their allies. Before entering academia, she managed several innovative service organisations at local and national levels, developing expertise, leadership and policy change.

Project Advisory Board (PAB)

Alvarez, Maria G.,
Title: Consultant
Organisation: Invectra Consulting
Area of Expertise: Digital humanities with special interest in digital narratives and interactive media

Carlander, Otto, PhD Interaction Design,
Title: Managing Director OTROLICA AB
Organization: OTROLICA AB, Sweden
Area of Expertise: Tactile interfaces, Applied research, Product development

Eriksson, Linda,
Title: Pedagogue
Organization: The National Resource Center for Deafblindness (Nationellt kunskapscenter för dövblindfrågor, Nkcdb), Sweden
Area of Expertise: Communication and deafblindness, tactile communication, socialhaptic communication, deafblind interpreting.

Gloria, Gabriella
Organization: Västra Götalandsreionen Dövblindteam

Hedesström, Kent
Organization: Västra Götalandsreionen Dövblindteam

Hildemar, Henrik
Title: IKT-pedagogue /ICT-instructor
Organization: Mo Gård, Sweden
Area of Expertise: Technical solutions and pedagogics (IKT-pedagogue /ICT-instructor) to support the development of communication for people with multiple disabilites, for example persons having congenital deafblindness

Holloway-Attaway, Lissa, PhD
Title: Associate Professor/Docent in Media Aesthetics and Narration
Organization: Division of Game Development, University of Skövde, Sweden
Area of Expertise: Games and Culture, Digital Culture and Media, Interactive Storytelling (with Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality)

Janssen, H.J.M.,
Title: Full Professon Special Needs Education
Organization: University of Groningen
Area of Expertise: Congenital and early acquired deafblindness

Johansson, Ann-Britt, PhD,
Title: Senior Researcher
Organization: Eikholt National Center on combined vision and hearing impairment/deafblindness
Area of Expertise: Disability and rehabilitation research, Vision Scientist, Deafblindness

Lahtinen, Riitta, PhD,
Title: Researcher & developer of Social-Haptic Communication (haptices, haptemes), teacher (special education), writer, international lecturer
Organization: The Finnish Deafblind Organisation and Intensive Special Education, University of Helsinki, Finland
Area of Expertise: Haptic perception, audio description, mobility and low vision (deafblindness)

Lund, Rolf,
Title: Senior Researcher
Organization: Eikholt National Center on combined vision and hearing impairment/deafblindness
Area of Expertise: Disability and rehabilitation research, Vision Scientist, Deafblindness

McKeever, Natasha, Dr.,
Title: Lecturer and Digital Education Specialist
Organization: Inter-disciplinary Ethics Applied (IDEA) Centre, University of Leeds
Area of Expertise: Biomedical and healthcare ethics

Meland, Roar,
Title: CEO
Organization: Eikholt National Center on combined vision and hearing impairment/deafblindness
Area of Expertise: Inter-disciplinary and broad-based knowledge and training in the fields of combined vision and hearing impairment and deafblindness

Mortensen, Ole E.,
Title: Communication consultant and project manager
Organization: CFD, Denmark
Area of Expertise: Deafblindness, communication, information, education

Palmer, Russ,
Title: Advisor & developer of Social-Haptic Communication research group, music therapist, vibro-acoustic practitioner, international lecturer
Organization: The Finnish Deafblind Organisation and Intensive Special Education, University of Helsinki, Finland
Area of Expertise: Vibrosensoric perception, musical perception through vibrations

Pimpinella, Angelina,
Title: Consultant on deaflindness issues
Organization: European Deafblind Union
Area of Expertise: Consultant on deafblind issues

Ragnarsson, Thomas,
Title: Counselor
Organization: The National Agency for Special Needs Education and Schools , (SPSM)
Area of Expertise: Thomas is an experienced low vision instructor and has worked at the county council, a low vision clinic, and a Centre for AAC called SPRIDA where work was done with customization of computers for use by persons with disabilities. Thomas also works part time for The National Resource Center for Deafblindness (Nkcdb), as part of their team The Expert Group for Technology and Aids. Furthermore he is advisory member of the The National Agency for Special Needs Education and Schools (SPSM)

Rönnåsen, Berit
Title: Special Needs Counselor
Organization: The National Agency for Special Needs Education and Schools , (SPSM)
Area of Expertise: Congenital deafblindness, early interaction and communication, interventions and assessments, supervision of parents, staff and other professionals

Sandman, Lars,
Title: Professor of health-care ethics and Director of the National Centre for Priorities in Health
Organization: Linköping University, Sweden
Area of expertise: Medical ethics, ethics of new health technologies, priority setting ethics and the ethics of shared decision-making.

Ethics Advisory Board (EAB)

Nolin, Jan (chair),

Bebis, Thomas,

Holt, Raymond,

McKeever, Natasha,

Olson, Nasrine,

Sandman, Lars,

User Data Working Group (UDWG)

Woodin, Sarah (chair),

Fuentes, Mauricio,

Nolin, Jan,

Olson, Nasrine,

Analytical Data Working Group (ADWG)

Theil Cabreira, Arthur (chair),

Kompatsiaris, Ioannis,

Nolin, Jan,

Plaisier, Myrthe,